Hello Boys and Girls,
Well it's time to share a toast to a special man, Johnny Purcell.
This memorial will be set at Kern River Golf Course, Bakersfield CA.
Johnny Purcell Irish Open
Saturday, October 23, 2021 (9-10 tee off)
What better way to celebrate JPs life , than with a raucous golf tourney!!
SO this is what we got..
Friday Night- 5- 6pm at Pyrenes, Meet for Drink
601 Sumner St Bakersfield, CA 93305 If you want to eat let me know so I can sort out reservations with the restaurant.
Saturday Morning working on format
Kern River River Golf Course
90$ includes Green Fess, cart and food. Deep Pip style sandwiches and tacos, served after round.
Please let me know if your in.
If you have a group of guys let me know, don't worry if your one or two will get you sorted!!
All profits will go to Kern County Rugby!!
We are also asking for adult refreshment, soft drinks, and water donations for the after match meals..
Kern Rugby will be handling sponsorship deals, that they will be posting soon..
The tourney chairman is also looking for donations, "to the closest to the hole, longest drive, and the top foursomes ..etc etc..
Payments can also be paid day of tournament on site.